My MIL Received a Fake House Key and I Shamed Her in Front of the Family

It can be hard to set limits, especially when it comes to family. One woman talked about her unpleasant mother-in-law who kept showing up without being asked and using a spare key for emergencies. There were too many close calls, so she changed the key for a fake one. Everyone in the family found out the truth.

She wrote to us:

“My mother-in-law asked me to give her our extra house key. When things went wrong, she said she’d use. It’s clear she didn’t. I thought I was alone at home one time, so she almost saw me naked. I got tired of having her around all the time, so I secretly switched her keys with a fake set and gave her the fake set.

After that, she came back to our house. I told her no one was home so she couldn’t get in. When the locksmith came, she found out the key was fake.
The next day, our family got together. When she told us about the fake key, I told her, “It won’t help in an emergency, but it’s great for keeping unwanted guests away.” My MIL turned red, and the whole family laughed. She won’t talk to me anymore. My husband told me that was very rude of me.”

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