Stories about first loves that took a strange turn years later.

When we think of our first love, we remember it forever. People you loved may come back into your life, though, and meeting them can change things in ways you didn’t expect.

The person I had a friend with since we were babies. We went to preschool, school, college, and lived in the same dorm together. She also lied to me and stole my first love. We fought. I stopped going to college and moved to a different city. Ten years have passed. I just recently found her page on social media. She is still with that guy. They have two kids together, both of them work, and everything worked out. I love my husband, I run my own business, and we don’t plan to have kids. We live for ourselves. I looked through an old photo album and found one picture of the two of us. I slowly thanked her for it. I think this is how it was supposed to be. • Caramel/VK

In first period, I sat next to her. He barely spoke to her the whole time—he felt too close to her. Really pretty, and she was going out with older men. I was fat and young, so I didn’t have a chance. She got through a Masters program and a few bad relationships, even though she did badly in high school and her family was a mess. Does her own work now. It had been 15 years since I last saw her, but she looked the same when I saw her on an app. After going through a few breakups and becoming an adult, I sent her a message online and we got married two years later. From Tmrt2020 on Reddit

One day I had to go to the town where I grew up for work. It had been ten years since they were there. I saw my first love again. It came to mind that we buried a “time capsule” when we were kids. We dug it up when we got there. Stickers and a cassette tape were in a box that we thought were important. It turned out to have our dreams written on it. They were about always being together. In real life, though, I have a job and he’s married with three kids. Overheard or Idear

For a few days, I had to take the train to my hometown. After two days, a guy sat down next to me at lunch in the restaurant carriage. He was acting very suspiciously and talking about strange things that, on the other hand, seemed very familiar. That guy came to my door the day after I got home. He stood there with a small, broken teddy bear in his arms. I recognized that teddy bear right away, and with it, I recognized my first love from daycare, who is now my true love. • Caramel/VK

I married her and then split up with her. We got along, but we had different goals and ideas for how to live our lives. I hate the city, but she loved it. When we bought a house, she changed jobs to make her commute shorter. I could tell she wasn’t pleased. It didn’t come as a surprise that she moved to the city right after getting divorced. I got a cat first. We haven’t talked in a long time, but I did some random Googling out of interest and found out that she is now married to someone of the same ethnicity. I’m glad she’s with someone who understands how difficult it is for her to balance her time with her large extended family and the social expectations of her culture. She now lives in a nice neighborhood outside of the city. Her job is very successful and makes her a lot of money. I’m happy for her because if we had stayed together, she would never have had the life she wanted. © AnyoneFetchAPriest on Reddit

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