A trip to the beach with lots of ice cream, sun, and sand sounds great. But that wasn’t the case for our readers. Her friends didn’t like her new bikini, but she felt great in it. Things went badly when their husbands got involved. Her choice of swimsuit became the drama all of a sudden, and the trip was ruined.
She sent us a message:
“The wives of my female friends and I were going to the beach for a week.” A two-piece bikini is my favorite. I also try to stay fit. One-piece swimsuits were worn by all of my female friends, who are a bit on the fat side.
When my friends’ husbands saw me in my bikini, they quickly pulled me aside and told me to change. I laughed it off and went back. Before I heard one of the husbands ask, “Can you ask her to cover up?” I thought the rest of the day was great. “She’s making us feel bad.” “Just joking,” someone said, “We’re married!” She wants so much attention.
I did not say anything before leaving because I was angry. They think I’m weird for leaving them without responding.