The mysterious nature of our existence goes beyond what we can understand. There are still questions about how kids remember supposed past lives or experiences, if such things really do exist. However, the stories we hear today gave us chills and made us think about many things.
Eleven days before my son was born, my mom died. That time, my daughter was three years old. I told a friend that my mom had died before my son was born when she was 20 years old. “No, she didn’t,” my daughter said. “I think I know when my mother died,” I said. The next thing my daughter said chilled me to the bone. She said that Granny came to the hospital to see me, sat in the back of the car with her, and told her about Blue Ted in the store. That’s why we bought him. She then told me who was in the hospital room when they got there. She said that Granny was sitting by the window. It made me feel better and makes you think. © Carol Wightman / Facebook
My parents told me that when I was little, I told them I dreamed I lived in Atlantis and had vivid dreams about oceans and earthquakes. Makajak on Reddit
My nephew asked me if I was going to be at his 8th-grade graduation when he was about 4 or 6 years old. When I told him I could miss work, he just asked, “Are you alive?” He is 10 years old now, and as time goes on, I worry more about him making it to 8th grade. B biodegradable***p*** / Reddit
When my son and I talked about my nursing school work, he said, “Well, I already kind of know this stuff.” “Do you?” I asked. He said, “Yeah, I was a doctor once. It was about 500 years ago, and I think I died when I was 33.” From vforvendetta84 on Reddit
My three-year-old said, “When I was your age, I had a black cat,” as we looked out the front window. “Oh, and what was the name of your cat?” “He didn’t have a name,” she said. “But my son’s name was Ira.” That’s a name she has never heard before. By Ermalee on Reddit
When my son was about 4, he asked my wife about “the house you and Grandpa owned together.” They’ve never lived in the same house together. When I asked him for more information, he quickly replied, “You know, the house that the volcano burned down.” © dd28064212 / Reddit