My cousin wants to invite my ex-girlfriend to my wedding.

Many brides think about their maids of honor for a long time before they get married. One bride chose her cousin to play this important role, but she did not know that the person had just started dating the bride’s ex and was planning to bring him as a guest to the wedding.

She told her story.

“Right now my cousin is dating my ex-girlfriend, with whom I broke up peacefully.” I don’t want him at my wedding, which is a very important day for me, even though I don’t feel anything for him anymore. I don’t want him to be there because he might take away from the happiness of the event. They’re also still pretty new together, and I’m afraid that if they break up, my cousin will be glad that he’s not in any of the pictures.

“When my cousin asked if she could bring her boyfriend as a guest, I told her she couldn’t.” She got mad and tried to make her case. I finally told her that if she insisted on having him there, I would rather she not be there at all because I was angry. She is mad at me now.

I can see where my cousin is coming from, but I don’t think she’s taking into account how I feel or how my partner feels, which is something I have to do when planning our wedding. Do I do something wrong by sticking to my guns on this?”


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