True Stories That Show What the Word “Strange” Really Means.

Life can make us feel a lot of different things at once, when we least expect it. Our lives are full of unexpected turns and twists, even if they seem strange at times. This is true whether a stranger says something strange to us, we experience paranormal activity that we can’t explain, or we do something that we can’t explain.

I was sitting on a public bus by myself when the beautiful woman next to me tried to breastfeed her child but the baby wouldn’t take it. I heard her say, “Come on, drink it, or I’ll have to give it to this nice man here.” She smiled at me. After five minutes, the baby still wasn’t eating, so she said, “Come on, honey.” “Take it, or I’ll give it to this nice guy here.” I finally lost it after a few minutes and yelled, “Come on, kid!” Choose! I should have left four stops ago!” jubileo5 on Reddit

It takes me 20 minutes to walk home from school by myself, but this time it took me 3 hours. I had no idea why my parents were going crazy. It’s still not solved. © From goldenewsd on Reddit

My sister and I were just hanging out on the couch when all of a sudden, something knocked over the candles that were on top of the TV. They didn’t just fall; they flew down like someone threw them. My sister and I both saw this happen. by onigidi on Reddit

I walked to my friend’s house one summer when I was 10 or 11 years old. It was mostly sunny with only a few clouds, so you could see everything clearly. All of a sudden, a shadow that was exactly 15 feet by 30 feet appeared on the ground behind me. It went by me right on top of me faster than a car could. I looked down at the ground and watched the shape move. When I looked up, I saw nothing that could have made such a shadow. The clouds themselves only had thin, wispy lines. When I looked down again, I saw the shadow move over a few houses before going away for good. dIbodIb on Reddit

When I was seven, I used to dream before bed that I didn’t have to go to school the next day and instead went to a well-known amusement park. When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I saw was my dad smiling and holding four tickets to that same amusement park. Itserp and Reddit

When I was in my early 20s and working as a cook, all of a sudden I lost my sight. I barely saw for a second, but I kept making the salad that was asked for. After that I could see again. It didn’t happen again. From mrschaney on Reddit


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