I think the delivery person is messing with my food.

While Emma was a stay-at-home mom, she had a problem with her food deliveries. She thought the delivery person was messing with her orders. Emma was worried about her safety, but she didn’t want to give up the small pleasure of having food brought to her after a long day of taking care of her family. She looked for advice online because she wasn’t sure if she should face the problem or play it safe.


I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for five years, and my full-time job is running our home. I’ve recently noticed that my food deliveries aren’t going as they should. I started to think that the delivery person was tasting my food before it got to me last month. I decided to complain to the manager of the delivery service after finding several meals that looked like they had been opened in a strange way.

The manager told me that they would look into the problem and fix it right away. The same driver brought me my food the next time I ordered. This time, everything looked like it was still together, and the packaging looked safe. I felt better and sat down to enjoy my food. As soon as I took a few bites, though, I felt sick. Now, the feeling in my stomach isn’t just about the food—I’m afraid the driver might be after me for complaining.

The fact that I live in a small town means that I’m always busy cleaning and taking care of the kids. It makes me feel loved when I spend all day taking care of other people. There are, however, not many delivery options. Should I give up this little pleasure just to be safe, or should I keep ordering and not show that I’m scared of getting in trouble? This event has made me feel uneasy and made me question the choices I’ve made. Your advice on how to deal with this would be very helpful.

Sincerely, Emma”


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