People who met a famous person out of the blue and talked about it

At times, it seems like famous people live in a world that only the red carpet and close friends can access. However, the heroes in our story can easily disprove this claim. A famous actor or singer could be at the airport, a craft store, or even a party for a coworker. These people know this.

A friend of mine had just finished massage school. Her first job was in a high-class neighborhood, and she almost had a heart attack. Brad Pitt and his girlfriend at the time were her clients. After two massages and a big tip, my friend told me about her first day on the job and she was shocked and shocked. “I just stopped noticing who they were and kept my eyes closed most of the time,” she said. Through Quora, Michele L. Gaddis

While his friend was driving, a man ran up to his car at a red light and asked for a ride in the opposite direction. The friend agreed, but not easily. As they were traveling, he met a man whose wife was married to the granddaughter of one of the Warner brothers (the famous Warner Bros.). As a thank-you, the man invited my friend to his work. After a few months, my friend went to Hollywood to look at movie sets and tried on the original Harry Potter robes. Overheard or Idear

As a volunteer at a local history museum, I helped sort through a huge stack of donated books to see which ones should be kept and which ones could be put up for sale. Maxine Peake, an actress, came in while she was investigating in the archive.
I asked her in jest to roll up her sleeves and help us out. She said, “Okay, as long as I get a cup of tea.” She got a tea, and she helped us for an hour. © Quora and Michael Anderson

Once, my mom came to see me. She didn’t know the language because I lived in a different country. She took the subway by herself, got lost, and when she came out of a back alley, she walked into a crowd of fans by accident.
Out front of the hotel, they were waiting for Charles Aznavour. He finally came out, and my mom was in the front row. “Paramparapam” or “ADME”

Ralph Fiennes wore a cap when I met him in a museum in St. Petersburg. I looked at him, then turned away, and then turned back to see that it was him (almost 100%). He saw me the whole time, and I must have made a funny face because he winked and smiled as if to say, “Please don’t tell anyone else it’s me.” © Quora and Pamela Murra

There was a meet-and-greet for a skate park in the mid-1990s when I was a kid, and I went. When this man saw me, he stopped what he was doing to talk to me while being interviewed by our local TV news. I was too shy to say hello. That is something I have never seen anyone do. Oh my goodness, what a sweet guy. © on Reddit and usedziploc

A young woman came up to me while I was shopping at a craft store. The girl asked if there were stickers for making scrapbooks. At the same time I showed her where they were and asked her what she liked to do for fun. She said thank you, took the stickers, and left. I kept shopping.
After a short time, I went to the register and saw that everyone was going crazy. “Did you see her?” Britney Spears came into our store to shop! “OMG, Britney Spears bought something in our store!” At that moment, I realized I had been giving Britney Spears wise scrapbooking advice for about ten minutes, while the guy at the end of the aisle was actually her bodyguard! Kelly Alblinger and Quora


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