People talked about strange events that can’t be explained.

Even though we can explain most things, there are still some things that leave us speechless. A group of people chose to share their strange and unexplainable experiences online. Some of their stories were about finding out a friend’s secret in a dream, reading a letter from the future, and forgetting about a whole day. These true events sound like plots from movies, but they happened.

“My mom came to stay with us for a few days a long time ago, when my wife was excited to give birth to our second child.” Mom asked for a pen, paper, and an envelope one early evening. She wrote something on the paper, put it in an envelope, and gave it to me. “Keep this in your pocket and don’t open it.” She told him, “You’ll know when.” After thirty minutes, my wife told me it was time to go to the hospital because she was giving birth. Following this, our second daughter was born at 3:45 AM, nine hours after the first one. She was 20 inches long and weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces. In the days before cell phones, I called my mom from the hospital to let her know what was going on. When she picked up the phone, she told the caller right away, “Open the envelope before you say anything.” Yes, I did. “Girl 3:45 AM, 8 lbs, 11 oz, 20 inches,” it said. That paper stayed with me for a long time. When my mom died, I looked in our document safe but couldn’t find it. The GullyF on Reddit

“I believe this is a coincidence, but it’s still strange.” I can get a boy to text me by… I don’t know what else to say it. One boy was a close friend of ours when we were 12 to 13 years old. We didn’t talk as much after we went to high school. There are times when I want to text him, and within 10 minutes, he usually texts me back. It is strange that this one boy is the only one who does it. Once, we didn’t talk for a year, but he messaged me out of the blue when I thought about getting in touch. Someone sent me a message, and when I asked him why, he said that he had a strange feeling that made him want to. It’s strange, but it’s probably just a coincidence. Reddit user imwhittling

“It was around 6 p.m., and I went to bed on Wednesday night.” It was Friday when I woke up. I asked my mom why it was Friday when it was Wednesday the day before. Of course, she said yesterday was Thursday. What did I do on Thursday? The last thing I remember is going to bed on Wednesday. I couldn’t remember any of the things she listed as things to do. I never did figure out why I don’t remember that Thursday. (Simavok) on Reddit

A friend and I were at his house watching TV. Someone on the screen was eating a strawberry. Even though I don’t like them, I thought it looked good and asked him if he had any strawberries in the house. Since we were both 20, he almost laughed at me. It was more likely that we would get mac and cheese or Fruit Loops than strawberries. The doorbell rings after about twenty minutes, and he goes to answer it. He calls for me to come look at something. The door is open, and his mom is there with one of those low-cut boxes full of strawberries. “Tell AGNKim what you said!” “I was driving home and saw a guy selling strawberries out of the back of his truck. I thought, ‘I bet David and his friends would like some strawberries…'” She looks a little strange and says, “Well, you blew it,” says my friend. Everyone only gets one wish, and you blew yours on strawberries.” By AGNKim on Reddit

“My husband and I were taking it easy years ago while watching a movie. Ads came on, and we weren’t paying much attention. But as soon as one ended, we both knew exactly where it was filmed and were sure we had been there. It only took a second to find the remote and rewind, but they were still talking about our trip to the place in the ad. It wasn’t up there. We jumped ahead because we thought we missed something. Nothing. Played again. Nothing. It’s not a big deal, but we still find it strange when one of us brings it up. The tottiepots Reddit


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