My mother-in-law is the nicest person in the world to me, but I hate her so much.

It’s very hard for Kelly, 35, to find a boyfriend because of her complicated relationship with her mother-in-law. Many women complain that their mothers-in-law treat them badly and that it takes a lot of work to make them like them, but Kelly’s story is the exact opposite. Her wife’s mother is the nicest person in the world, and she has never said anything bad about Kelly. However, our main character is having a hard time because she hates her husband’s mother, and she told us why in her honest letter.

Kelly is very pleased with her second marriage.

Kelly, who is 35 years old, has been having a hard time with her relationship with her in-laws. When it comes to her mother-in-law, who is probably every woman’s dream MIL but not this one.

The woman wrote us a letter in which she told us her story and asked our readers what they thought about this tough and complicated case. Kelly said, “I know that many people will probably judge me, but I can’t tell about my feelings to anyone, this is why I’m pouring my heart out, and I desperately need advice.”

“My husband Jack and I have been married for 5 years,” Kelly began her letter. You and I are both married before, so we both know what we want and what we expect from our relationship. I really love Jack’s personality, and I’m in love with him. He’s happy, positive, and open-minded. Because of his great sense of humor and nice personality, he’s always the center of attention at work. There is one bad thing in our relationship: it’s his mom Susan. He loves me with all his heart, and we’re very happy together.

The problem is that Kelly’s MIL is a very nice and kind person.

Kelly wrote, “Susan is a very smart, wonderful, and lovely woman.” That person could be an example for people who look up to strong people and want to do everything on their own. She has worked as a lawyer her whole life and has done very well at it. She has a great reputation in her business community.

The woman said, “I thought that such an independent, smart, and successful woman as Susan would treat me badly because I had heard so many bad things about her from Jack.” But, much to my surprise, Susan welcomed me right into her family. Since we met for the first time, she’s been gushing over me.
Susan always tells me how glad she is that her son met me. She really means it when she calls me her daughter and says nice things about how I look, what I wear, how good I am at cooking, and what I’ve done in life. Susan may seem like a very nice person, and I should have been pleased with her kindness and sincerity, but I hate her with all my heart, and I can’t let this feeling go.

Kelly really doesn’t like her MIL for a good reason.

She wrote, “I can’t give Susan back her love and care.” I can’t act like how she feels about me is how I feel about her. It’s all because of what she did to Jack, my husband.

The woman continues her story by saying, “Right from the start of our relationship, I noticed that Jack has been feeling down and unsafe, even though he is always positive and has a great personality.” Only people he had a lot of trust in saw this side of him, and I became one of those people for him. He wasn’t trying to hide who he really is from me, and he didn’t act like his true smile doesn’t have a dark side.

Kelly also said, “Susan has been taking care of him and his two older brothers by herself.” Because she wanted to be a lawyer, she cared more about her career than her own children. This is probably understandable, but the way she treated her sons was strange. Jack told me Susan would always put his brothers ahead of him. They always heard from Susan how great they were, even when they did something small. People always called Jack “the loser” and “a hopelessly ignorant kid” because he was the youngest of three brothers.
As he grew up, Jack’s older brothers got good jobs at the company where Susan worked, but Jack didn’t have any plans to do the same. She told him he wasn’t “decent enough” to be a lawyer and that he had to earn his place in the world on his own. She flat-out refused to help him with anything.

Kelly said, “Like his mother, Jack has always wanted to be a lawyer.” But the way this woman treated him killed all of his potential in this area. He never even went near this sphere because he was sure he would fail, so the dream stayed a dream. This was drilled into his head from a young age, and it had a big effect on his adult life.

Kelly can’t forgive her mother like Jack did.

“When the youngest son was born, it was the end of the world for Susan because she had always dreamed of having a daughter,” Kelly wrote. She wanted to have a girl and raise and educate her the same way she did Susan. She also wanted to raise a real-life copy of herself. But Jack was her last chance, and it didn’t work out because he turned into a boy, and he felt guilty from the moment he was born.

“I know Jack doesn’t hold a grudge against his mom,” the woman said. He keeps telling her that she was just a woman with hopes and dreams and that she only wanted the best for all of her sons, which makes her actions okay. But I just can’t forgive this woman. On top of that, I think she loves me so much because she blames me for her broken hopes of having a daughter. Being disgusted, shocked, and angry is how I feel because she wants me to be just like her.
Being with my husband is the only thing that makes me feel guilty because his mom treats me better than her own son. When I say I hate her, I really do. What should I do to make things better with her?”

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