Everyone Shared Their Most Embarrassing Moments That Gave Lifelong Comedy

Awkward situations often happen when you least expect them. Some people might feel embarrassed and turn red, but others see these awkward situations as chances to grow as a person, laugh, or be strong. There are 13 people who have been honest about their most embarrassing moments and shared them with the world.

“Two-hour train ride. I could feel the air coming in slowly, but I held it back until the end. When it was finally my turn, I stood up and walked to the door, still holding back that huge amount of air in my colon. Some kids ran into me from behind just as the doors were about to open. What I saw shocked me so much that I let go for a moment. The result was the grossest and loudest fart you can think of. In all my years, I’ve never left the train station faster.”

“I was with my baby in the pediatrician’s waiting room 9 months after giving birth when I had the worst cramps.” I didn’t really see them for what they were because I was busy with my daughter (not paying much attention to them).For those who don’t know, the first period after giving birth can come at any time. Plus it’s really heavy.
We went into the clinic, sat down, and talked with the pediatrician. Then we had to get up because he needed to check on my baby’s bed. “Um, I think you have a little problem,” I heard all of a sudden. The lovely light green chair I had just left wasn’t light green when I turned around. It wasn’t even a little stain. Also, there I was in jeans, dying of shame because I had to say it was my first period. The doctor was nice and gave me a pad. My face was as red as my jeans when I left. It makes me feel bad every time I think about it.”

“I went to the bathroom in class. I didn’t have any tights on under my skirt. I was 17 years old. The lecture was four hours long and it was my first year of college. I held it for as long as I could until I was sure I would have to go to the bathroom as soon as I stood up. I couldn’t say I had to go to the bathroom because I would have to pee in front of everyone. I stayed because of that. The other students didn’t leave when I asked them to. They had questions for the professor, some of which went on for a while… Thanks to some miracles, I made it out of the classroom. As soon as I walked out the door, I lost it. Someone even asked me if I was okay while I knelt on the floor and pretended to look for something in my bag. I really hoped that no one would notice the puddle at my feet. It took me five more minutes of pretending to look in my bag before everyone left. I then went to the closest bathroom to dry off as best I could. Then I changed underwear and used a hair dryer to dry my skirt and shoes before going home. If I came back wearing different clothes, it would look fishy.”

“I work as a teacher. I had a head cold the other day and my nose was really stuffy. I hate blowing my nose in front of my students. I can get away from the stress by going to a closet in the back of the room. A lot of the time, my husband and I joke around that when I blow my nose, it feels like parts of my brain are coming out too. As one thing led to another, I said in passing that I was going to the closet to “blow my brains out.” It’s clear why the students were worried.”

I was in a meeting with my bosses. They are upset about things I haven’t done, like X, Y, and Z. I’m not mad about the criticism; in fact, I’m mad that I have to hear it. But for some reason, my eyes started to tear up. Every time we had one of these meetings, my eyes would water and tears would pour out. It started to happen even when I wasn’t mad. And I’d never cry, even when I was generally mad. But only at those meetings.”

“I get very scared when they check my pelvis.” My doctor suggested that I focus on wiggling my toes as a way to take my mind off of things. I had to find a new gynecologist not long ago. As I lay on the table with my feet in the stirrups, I hear someone cough and say, “Ehem.” Then he asks in a weak voice, “Are you liking this or something?” I look down and am confused until I realize I’m moving my toes like I always do with my other doctor. I quickly turn bright red and make up a reason for why I’m doing it and how my old doctor told me to do it to take my mind off of things. The doctor just looks at me like I’m crazy. It goes without saying that I felt terrible about it and never went back.”

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