I gave my ex-wife all the lottery money.

A lot of people want to win the lottery, but not many know what will happen if they do. One person was in a tough spot. He gave all the money from the lottery to his sick daughter instead of buying her a designer bag of her choice.

He sent us a message:

“My daughter was born to my ex-wife Liz.” I’ve always done what I could to help them make ends meet. I won the lottery not long ago and give all the money to them because my daughter needed it for an expensive treatment.

She just recently got a loan to pay for her designer bag. She was very angry when she learned I had given the money to my ex. “You still love her,” she told him. You don’t care about me because you didn’t even offer to pay for my bag.

“She’s the mother of my child, and who are you?” I blurted out because I was so mad. She cried, got her things together, and left. I’m sorry I said that, I shouldn’t have. “I love my girlfriend, but she’s so self-centered sometimes that I can’t stand her.”

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