8 Embarrassing stories that people wish they hadn’t told anyone

Everybody has experienced extremely unpleasant experiences they would prefer to forget. Some, nevertheless, made the decision to post theirs online. You’ll definitely want to chuckle, gasp, and maybe even crawl under the covers after reading these ten true stories. You will therefore be appreciative that you were spared from it.

1. Until I started college, my mother insisted on inspecting the clothes I purchased to make sure they weren’t too big. We were buying jeans when I was seventeen, and she crawled her fifty-eight years old body under the door of the dressing room where I was trying on the trousers since I wouldn’t do a fashion show for her for each pair.
There was a line out the door of the dressing room, and I’m a guy. Everyone was able to witness. Everyone was aware of it.
Waste_and_Fritter / Reddit

2. My mother inadvertently calls out my name all the time. I’ve asked her a hundred times to find me or use her phone. I never hear anyone calling out other people’s names! I’ve gotten so sick of going out with her since it happens so frequently. I’m not sure how it came up because I was engaged in another subject, but I overheard her mention that GinaLinetti4Prez had an appointment with a gynecologist the next week over our family meal with aunts, uncles, and cousins. Why? And we were in a restaurant! All was quiet for a while.
On Reddit, GinaLinetti4Prez

3. I used to sleep in my boxers every night on the school pajama days when I was younger. It goes without saying that a child cannot attend school with only their panties, but I was too little to comprehend that. I’m not sure why my mom took me there and allowed me to go. Halfway through the day, the school had to call my parents to come pick me up, which was the most embarrassing day of my life.
Reddit / NerfCat

4. One day, when my younger brother saw that I was sprouting pubic hair at the age of twelve, my mother called all the mothers in the area. Evidently, puberty is that stimulating a topic for talk for the neighborhood, because she made it a point of conversation to inform all ten moms that I was “becoming a man.” The calls continued for nearly an hour and a half.
It resulted in a number of neighborhood people saying, “Such a little man!” and a few fathers grabbing me aside and telling me that “No one needed to know,” as if I was involved.
Reddit / Darktal0n75

5. I had head lice when I got home from school. My mother called every student in my class whose phone number she had, rather than informing the teacher, who would then write a note home to everyone without mentioning whose child they had found to have lice. She would say to the parent, “She has head lice, so you need to check your kid.” in their conversation.
Since kids don’t understand that the entire class probably already had lice and I acquired it from someone in my class, they were calling me nasty and accusing me of spreading the disease. It was awful. She called people while I sobbed uncontrollably.
Reddit / Throwawayqwe123456

6. My parents took me and my ex-girlfriend out to supper; she worked as a waiter. My mother gives the server the “trying to use an expired coupon” look. She just wouldn’t accept that the recorded date had passed and that time actually exists. My ex was going crazy while I was nodding off and waiting for my mom to win or get kicked out by management. Abruptly, she grabs the coupon, the size of a $1 bill, from my mother’s fingers and devours it. ripped it to bits and stuffed them into her mouth. She claims that there is no offer because there is no more coupon.
Reddit / tuckerx78

7. I witnessed a guy yelling, “Don’t correct me,” as he threw himself onto a couch, kicking his feet and pounding his hands in frustration after his fiancée corrected his grammar. You’re not my mother.” She ended their relationship and threw him out of her flat. How did she manage to hang on for so long?
Reddit / BriGuy1965

8. After recess, we were lined up and dismissed one class at a time as I was in the sixth grade. I was feeling confident as I left the room, leaving a few girls in the other class chuckling. I’m grinning at them as I ascend the stairs.
My skull bangs on the central divider between the two doors. With a loud “thud,” my head leaps back, and the teacher asks, “Are you okay?” I picked up my pride and entered.
Reddit / loztriforce

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