My birthday party was ruined by a pregnant woman, but I got back at her.

When we plan a birthday party, we picture a day full of fun, friends, and memories that will last a lifetime. Everything changed quickly in today’s story, though, when a pregnant woman stole the show and made a party a total mess.

How everything came together.

My husband threw a BBQ for me and his best friend Matt, along with Matt’s pregnant girlfriend Jane. It was my birthday yesterday. They live two doors down from us. We, their three kids, and our three kids were the only ones there.

I bought hot dogs and hamburgers for about $90. Matt also came over with 2 pounds of meat for hamburgers. I went swimming with the kids in our pond while the guys cooked. Jane talked on her phone while sitting next to the guys.

Around 5:30, the guys invited the kids over for food. My 9-year-old middle child and I were still hungry, so we kept swimming. We were in the water on our tubes for at least 40 minutes longer than planned. There was nothing going on near the grill that caught my attention.

My husband said he was going to the store around 6:15, so I told my son that we should probably go eat now. Matt and my husband were already gone when we got to the grill. Jane was also gone. The food was gone when we got to the grill.

When I called my husband, I asked where all the food was. He told me it was on the grill. I told him everything was gone. “Jane asked if she could take some for leftovers, but I didn’t think she would take all of it,” he said after a long pause. Then he told me that when he left for the store 10 minutes ago, there were still at least 8 burgers, 10 hotdogs, and macaroni salad left.

He was told to call Matt and find out where all the food was. Yes, he did. After that, he called me again and said that Matt had said Jane only took “a few” and that they were already gone. But my 13-year-old son told me straight out that he saw Jane leave our property with the whole dish (it was one of those extra-large tin foil BBQ dishes).

Anyway, I was mad at this point. My son and I had both not eaten anything. Even though my husband was mad, he didn’t make a big deal out of it. He just grabbed something from the store for my son and me. That’s just how things are—he and Matt work together, so I didn’t really blame him.

To my surprise, Jane and her kids came back after more than 45 minutes and asked if they could have some of my cake. Jane couldn’t do it, but her kids could, I told her. When she asked why, I told her, “I think you’ve had enough to eat since you stole my whole BBQ dinner before my son and I could eat anything.”

She said my husband told her she could have it and that “half of it was hers” because they brought 2 pounds of hamburger meat. She also said she “didn’t realize” that my kid and I hadn’t eaten because she was standing next to the grill the whole time. It was all I could do to shrug and walk away. “Let’s go,” she told her kids, but they left without the cake. I thought I might have been a jerk at this point. Since then, no one has said anything, but I can tell there’s talk.


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