A friend begged me for help, but I didn’t help her. Instead, I told her the truth about her husband.

It is only natural for most of us to help a friend in need when they ask, because that is what friendship is all about. But our heroine today refused to babysit for her desperate friend in the end and said “no” several times, even though the other woman was crying and upset. Many people quickly judged her and called her heartless, but she told us why she did what she did and asked our readers to be honest about their feelings about her tough situation.

While they were in high school, Amanda and Hailey became friends.

Amanda, a 33-year-old woman, wrote us a letter that was so very sad and felt like a cry for help. The woman isn’t sure why she didn’t help her best friend, which is making things even worse for her in a tough situation.

Amanda said, “Hi!” when she opened her letter. Many people are now judging me for what I did to my best friend, so I need your and your readers’ thoughts and suggestions. My thoughts on what I did are being weighed, and I think I made the right choice. That being said, I may have acted too quickly, and now I’m afraid that my friend’s life is over.

“My friend Hailey and I haven’t been apart since high school,” the woman said. We became close right away and went through a lot of different things together. When I found out I was pregnant, Hailey was so happy for me. When she found out she was pregnant too, it made us both even happier.
We talked about our pregnancy routines and went to the doctor together. This was probably the best time in our friendship. But the problems started to show up right before we both gave birth, like mushrooms after it rains. The situation got worse so quickly that none of us saw it coming.

Both women come from very different places, and this is what’s making them fight.

Amanda said, “Hailey and I come from very different places and have very different life stories.” The donor helped me have a child, and I chose to do that. Right now I’m a single mom and I’m taking care of my child by myself, which is fine with me. I took being a parent very seriously and planned ahead to do a good job. Oh, and I have a house that I paid off with money my parents left me.
Before I had my son, I made sure I had enough money saved to cover my living costs for a year. This gave me time to recover from giving birth and bond with my son. I still work, and I do it from home while my baby sleeps for about two to three hours a week.

Another part of Amanda’s story says, “Hailey is the only one who makes money for her family, and she has a 5-month-old son.” Her husband doesn’t work, but she is married. His search for the “ideal job” has been going on for over a year, and I always thought he would never work again. His behavior has always made me think that he is just lazy and happy that way, but I never told Hailey what I thought, leaving her to decide for herself.

After giving birth, Hailey’s life turned bad very quickly.

Amanda said, “Hailey hasn’t had a free minute since the day her baby was born.” She’s been working and taking care of the baby at the same time, and her husband wasn’t even around when she really needed help.

“Hailey has been implying lately that she can’t pay for daycare and that her husband isn’t helping her with the child. She then said something even worse: she said I must have a lot of free time. I knew she was jealous of how I lived, but I tried to ignore her and her complaints because I felt bad for her and knew how distressed she was.

Things got really tense, and one day they blew up.

Amanda tells more of her story: “Hailey came to me three days ago, she was crying and sobbing.” I could tell she was in a lot of pain. She begged me from the start to watch her kids while she worked. I said no because I didn’t think I could watch two babies younger than 6 months at the same time.
Also, she started crying even harder and begged me to help her because she would lose her job if I didn’t babysit for her. When she told me her husband was at home doing nothing, I said no again. I didn’t see why I should do it. I brought up her husband, but Hailey said she doesn’t trust him with a baby because he’s not good with kids. She said he couldn’t take care of the baby at all.

“That’s when I said no again, and Hailey called me heartless.” At that point, I lost it and told her it wasn’t my fault that she had been with a useless man the whole time and had a baby with him; that was her job from then on.
Now Hailey has blocked me everywhere, and I’m so sorry for what I said to her. My friends are criticizing me because they think I should have helped my friend and that her family situation is not my business. I worry that this will ruin her whole life. In this case, am I wrong?”

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