After I publicly turned down his proposal, my boyfriend made my life hell. Now it’s time to get even.

We got a letter from a girl who is very sad because she turned down her boyfriend’s marriage proposal, which made her life a living hell. A girl wrote a letter about how she was going to get even with him. But she feels bad about what she did, so she’s asking our readers for help.

A surprise marriage proposal.
Josh, my boyfriend, and I had been together for a year and both worked at the same law firm, but in different departments. And everything was fine until he asked her to marry him.

Three months ago, he planned a big party for all of our friends and both of our families, saying it was to celebrate getting promoted at work. Josh got down on one knee all of a sudden as the sun went down. My heart beat fast. Josh’s mother gave him a bouquet of roses, and his happy smile sparkled in the late evening.

He asked, “Will you marry me?”

No idea what was going on at all. We had talked about our future together, but getting married didn’t seem like a realistic goal since we were both busy with our jobs. As our families watched, their phones ready to record the moment, the pressure built.

The girl wasn’t ready to get married, and Josh wasn’t ready to hear that she said no.

As I stumbled, “I’m not ready,” I said out of fear. “This is too soon.” People around us let out gasps. Josh’s smile went away and was replaced by a look of betrayal.

He said in an angry whisper, “You will regret this.”

The happy mood went away, and the party ended very quickly. Our families were shocked. Deep down, I knew I wasn’t ready to get married, but I felt responsible for my choice.

The next day, Josh wouldn’t talk to me. I tried to explain, but he got very angry. “I thought you loved me,” he yelled.

I said, “I do love you, Josh,” but my voice was shaking. “But I’m not ready to make a promise for life.” “Not yet.”

His pain was clear. “You made me look bad in front of everyone.” That will cost you.

It turned out that Josh not only remembered what happened, but he also started to get back at the person who hurt him.

I still had faith that things would work out. That weekend, he helped me fix my laptop, and we even went to dinner together, which made me feel better. I had no idea that he was already making plans to get back at me.

But when I got to work the next day and saw that no one was making eye contact with me, I felt completely embarrassed. After that, my boss called me into his office. “What have you done?” Mr. Madden lost it. “Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”

“Find out about what, sir?” I asked, not sure.

We met when he turned his laptop screen toward me. There was private information going around the internet about one of our best clients. They were from cases I was working on and had our firm’s letterhead on them.

“I swear I didn’t do this, Mr. Madden! Someone must have hacked us.”

Both her job and her life were ruined.

He yelled, “These files were shared from your laptop!” “The IT department confirmed it.”

It dawned on me. Josh had messed with my computer. I tried to explain, but Mr. Madden was set in his ways. “The fact that your boyfriend shared the files doesn’t matter. It took place while you were looking over it. “You’re fired.”

It broke my heart. Josh had ruined my job. As I packed my things, my coworkers avoided looking at me and talked quietly behind me.

It got worse when I got home. Josh had left a note that said, “You brought this on yourself.” He threw trash all over the apartment, and I had to pay for it. I was broke because all of my savings were locked up in student loans.

The girl chose to give him something in return.

I chose to fight back because I felt helpless and lied to. During our relationship, Josh had brag about the shady deals he had made with big clients. I began gathering proof and putting it all together in a detailed report. I sent the report to his HR department and a few important clients without giving my name. I didn’t have anything to lose, so I took a chance.

A friend they both had called a few days later. She asked, “Have you heard about Josh?”

“No, what happened?” I replied with a racing heart.

“He was fired. Something is being looked into, and he’s in a lot of trouble.

It made me feel both good and bad. The company did a full investigation, and the SEC was after him. He was facing serious legal consequences.

She ruined the career of her ex-lover, but she feels bad about it.
That same week, an old coworker called. “Josh has been banned from the business world. “No one wants to hang out with him.”

Hearing that made me feel a strange kind of happiness. Josh always thought he was above the law and could get away with anything. He was now having to pay for being so proud.

I lost my savings, my job, and my faith in people. But seeing Josh deal with the consequences made things better. He tried to break me, but in the end, it was his fall that was the most impressive.

At first, getting back at Josh made me feel great. I felt really bad about it as time went on, though. Sadness and guilt weighed me down. It made me feel even worse to see how my actions were making things worse. I didn’t mean for things to get this bad. I hope that your readers can help me.

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