I made my pregnant wife give up her seat to another pregnant woman.

Mark has been dealing with a tough problem in his personal life lately. He wants you to help him figure out how to get through this difficult time and find a way to happiness and peace.

Mark works hard to take care of his family while his wife is pregnant.

Julia and I are very happy about having our first child. Now that she’s nine weeks along, we’ve been taking a lot of classes to get ready. That was really tough. I learned a lot about how hard it can be to be pregnant. Women are so strong.

Mark and Julia, his wife, can’t wait for their first child to come home. She is nine weeks along in her pregnancy. They have also been to many sessions on getting ready to be parents, where her husband learned to understand the difficulties pregnant women face. Mark was most interested in the in-depth explanations of morning sickness, changes in hormones, tiredness, and the overall physical toll that pregnancy has on a woman’s body.

Before these lectures, Mark knew that pregnancy was hard, but he didn’t know how much pain there was. Hearing from women who had been through it and reading medical explanations in great detail helped him understand how strong and resilient he needed to be. He was moved by the stories of women who had to deal with terrible problems but stayed strong and hopeful for the sake of their unborn children.

Marked asked his wife to move seats so that a full-term pregnant woman could have the best spot.

Julia said that her pregnancy was pretty easy. She had some morning sickness but was generally feeling good.

They were going to take a walk by the water yesterday. They chose to take the bus since their car wasn’t working. In a strange way, Julia was feeling very happy that day. She chose to sit in one of the front seats that were set aside for disabled people, pregnant women, the elderly, and people who had been hurt.

After a few stops, a woman who was very pregnant got on the bus with her two kids. Julia didn’t move right away, even though it was clear that she needed the seat. There were two women across from Mark. He looked at his wife and asked her gently if she could move to a regular seat so they could sit together. Julia had to sigh and get up, but she did it anyway. She held her stomach and moved to a regular seat further back.

Julia started to feel sick.

The other woman showed a lot of gratitude and said thank you many times. Julia, on the other hand, didn’t say anything to Mark during the rest of the bus ride or their walk along the beach. Mark decided that they should take a taxi home so as not to make her feel worse.

Julia started to feel sick in the middle of the taxi ride. Mark asked her if she needed medical help because he was worried, but Julia insisted on going home right away.

Julia no longer wants to talk to Mark.

Julia told them she was mad when they got home because she shouldn’t have had to give up her seat. She said that the priority seat was also for women who were pregnant, which was true because she was pregnant. The event made her feel dizzy and upset.

Mark told her that the other woman was much further along than she was—she was nine weeks along. Julia started to cry and told him he didn’t respect her and that he cared more about helping other women than she did. She didn’t think he appreciated her and thought it was wrong for him to make her give up her seat.

Irrationally, Julia is now refusing to talk to Marks, which is what he thinks. Because he wanted everyone to feel at ease, he is left wondering what he did wrong.

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