My Husband Turned Rude Because of My Periods, I’m Desperate

This past week, a 30-year-old woman named Grace told us a very personal story. The woman really needed help and advice from our followers because her situation is very tricky and she needs help badly. She found out that her husband doesn’t like it at all when she wears menstrual pads during her periods. This has caused a huge scandal in their otherwise happy family.

It made Grace feel good to know that her husband was so kind and loved her.

Grace, who is 30 years old, has always believed that her marriage was perfect. In her letter to us, the woman told us that she loved and respected her husband Paul. She said that he had always been her “unwavering rock” and that she admired his thoughts and life experiences. The woman talked about what’s been going on in her family’s life. Her husband’s rude behavior has shocked her to her core, and the woman is now desperate and asking other people for their thoughts and advice.

“Hi, Bright Side!” Grace wrote. I never thought that my family, which I thought was happy, would be going through something so hard and hurtful. Paul, my husband, is 35 years old. He’s always been very sensible and calm. Most people who know Paul look up to him and think they should be like him. He has a very important job and a lot of responsibility. I have always known him to be a loving husband and someone I could count on.

She said, “At least, I thought so, because one action of my husband to a seemingly normal thing has shattered my trust in him and killed my sense of respect for him forever.”

A big scandal in the family wasn’t something that could have been sensed.

Grace told her story, “I used to use tampons for my periods and always thought that was the most comfortable and convenient thing for me, but recently everything changed.” I went to see my doctor because I was having some very serious health problems. Because of these health issues, I could no longer use tampons, and my doctors told me to switch to sanitary pads instead.

The woman wrote, “Today I use pads, which isn’t a big deal for me.” Even though I didn’t get used to them, this is still not a problem for me, and I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. But my husband, for some reason, has become very upset about this change that seems harmless.

Out of the blue, Grace’s husband started being very rude.

Grace said, “Paul and I talked about my health problems, and he seemed to really understand and care.” He was there for me and told me we’d work through all of my health problems together. I didn’t tell him that I was going to use the pads after that, though. I didn’t think he should even be interested in that subject!”

The woman was shocked when she saw how her husband reacted. She wrote, “He changed right away when he saw that I was using pads.” At first, Paul was mad that I hadn’t “consulted” him first. Then, to my complete shock, he told me that he doesn’t think it’s appropriate for me to sleep in bed while wearing pads.
He told me to sleep somewhere else while I’m on my period, which surprised me a lot because I didn’t think he would have a problem with that. It was his insistence that it didn’t feel right for him, and he thought menstrual pads were gross. He then said, “He wants you to use tampons at night or sleep somewhere else.”

The woman is shocked that she saw her sensible and smart husband act in such a way.

Grace wrote, “When I heard this, I laughed it off and kept sleeping on the bed with my pads on like it wasn’t a big deal.” Things got really bad after that, though. He was so upset by how I was acting that he basically went to the couch and started complaining about how I made him sit there by making him feel bad after he had already suggested some compromises.
I told him he was being dramatic because his “compromises” didn’t make any sense—I couldn’t stop using pads and just bleed on the bed. When the doctors told me not to use tampons again, I couldn’t put my health at risk.

“Now, my husband is still mad at me, even when I’m not having my period. He keeps telling me I owe him for making him feel bad and ignoring his complaints.” This is making me mad, and I’m even thinking about telling him to leave because it’s making our relationship very tense. Am I getting too angry about how rude he is? What are you going to do?”

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