Real-Life Incidents That Are Very Unsettling

People have different ideas about whether beings from other worlds exist or are just in our minds. However, some things we experience in life make us question this idea. The stories we’re telling today are about people who see or feel things that make no sense. No matter how you feel about these events, one thing is for sure: they’ll probably make you feel very uneasy.

– “I worked a summer job while my family took a trip to Canada when I was 17. This was before the internet, answering machines, and cell phones. On the seventh day that they were supposed to be gone, I got a postcard from my mom telling me that they had changed their plans and would be back two days later than planned to visit friends in Vermont.
As planned, they were all sorry that they were gone for two extra days without telling me when they came back two days later. “You did tell me,” I replied. Your card arrived two days ago. My mom turned pale and said, “We didn’t send a postcard.” Since we chose to stop on the way home, our postcard wouldn’t have arrived yet even if we sent it.
I reached for the stack of mail on the counter and said, “But I have the postcard right here.” I looked through it and couldn’t find a postcard. I must have dreamed that she sent it to me to let me know.” From Wiseb***98 on Reddit

– “I was at a family friend’s house about three weeks ago when all of a sudden I felt really sick. I felt like my blood pressure dropped because I was cold, sweaty, and slow. Later that night, we found out that my uncle had died of a heart problem. He was the only uncle I had ever been close to.” Through tworollsonebee on Reddit

– “At one point, I was paralyzed by sleep, and all of a sudden, my right ear started ringing. The noise got louder and louder until it sounded and felt like someone was screaming right in my ear. This took place while I was asleep and unable to move. It was the scariest and strangest thing that has ever happened to me.” Vulcrux on Reddit

– “When I was about 15, I went for a walk around the place where I used to live, which was out in the English countryside. There is a polo club nearby, so I heard a horse coming up behind me. This happens a lot. I turned to let the horse go when I thought it was close enough.
There was nothing there. The sound kept getting louder and quieter, like the horse was going by, but it wasn’t. It couldn’t have been anywhere else. It scared me.” By hdawg19 on Reddit

– “I saw that the lights reflecting off the whiteboard let me see the kids when I was teaching a class of ten. I saw one of the bad kids get up while I was writing on the board and heard the desk move. I called his name right away and told him to sit down. The students told me that he wasn’t there yet. When I turned around, all the kids were moving to sit in front of him so they wouldn’t have to look at where he usually sits.
Following class, one of the girls told me that whenever they study in that classroom, they always hear the desk in the back of the room move and see dark shadows in that area.”
Not a known author/Reddit

– “I believed I was crazy. When I turned around in my computer chair, I saw a man in khakis and a yellow button-up shirt come straight out of my sliding door from the end of my couch. When my dad got home from his night shift the next morning, he saw a shadow jump from one apartment door to another. When he first told me what he saw, I was shocked that what I had seen was real.”
From Reddit user PacmanNemesis

– “I got home from school one day around 4 p.m. It felt like someone was pushing me back when I tried to open the door. I told him to stop and let me in because I thought it was probably my roommate playing a joke on me.
For some reason, the door could be opened, but no one was there. There was no one there, since it’s a small apartment with only one door. I thought we might have been robbed at that moment, so I looked in every room, corner, and other area to make sure no one was there. The last time I called my roommate, he was still in class.” Aira_ on Reddit

– “Whenever I stayed at my sister’s house, I had dreams about a little girl with dark hair and pale skin (which is a lot like my sister) telling me that she was there because my sister looked like her mother.
After some time, my niece, who was only two years old at the time, stopped in the middle of the steps and told me straight out, “Her mom died here.” (astro-ponies) on Reddit

– “I have a twin brother. It was a long time ago. My dad took me to get a haircut while my brother stayed home with my mom. It looks like I pulled my dad’s hand over and over and said, “Bob hurt,” after we left the house.
My dad thought it was strange, so he called home. He thought something was wrong when no one answered, so he drove me home right away. In the days before cell phones, when we got home to an empty house, we did nothing but wait. After a while, my mom and brother came home, and we found out that my brother had hurt himself and needed stitches.” From stikkit2em on Reddit

– “My grandmother died when I was about six years old. After that, my mom would often find me talking to myself at night while sitting at the foot of my bed. I remember seeing a glow that looked a bit like a person, and I knew that it was my grandmother standing in my doorway every night. I don’t remember any of the conversations, though.
Since then, I’ve seen the same person several times, even though our family has moved several times. Usually, I see them around the time of a big event in my life, like right after each of my siblings were born.” From briella819 on Reddit

– “I think I was in the fifth grade at the time. I woke up around 3:20. When I woke up, there was a little girl standing facing the door with her back to me. Then she slowly stooped down and was out of sight (my bed was pretty high).
I put my hand over my eyes. I saw a nose, mouth, and chin very close to my face when I peeped through my fingers. It’s said that blankets are like kryptonite for ghosts, so I hid under my covers.” Sormonsar on Reddit

– “I fell and hit my head pretty hard when I was four and in daycare. I had to get stitches. My mom took me to the emergency room, and then we went home. In several messages, my grandmother in California asked my mom what happened and if I was okay. Texas is where we live.
When my mom picked me up and until she got home, she hadn’t even had a chance to call anyone. When my mom called, my grandmother told her that she felt dizzy and bad about me.” Ann_Droid on Reddit

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