A lot of the time, money problems cause stress and fights in families. In Julia’s case, things are even more complicated because her mother-in-law thinks that her son’s money should go to her instead of Julia’s son because he is not his biological child. Julia recently heard a troubling conversation between her husband and her mother-in-law, which is why she came to us for help.
This is the letter from Julia:
“The boy I had with my ex-girlfriend is eight years old and is named Mike. In his life, his real father has not been present. Steve has been a great husband and dad to Mike since we got married two years ago. But my mother-in-law doesn’t like Steve raising “a stranger’s kid.”
I heard her yesterday telling Steve to give her the money he spends on Mike’s sports and other activities because she thinks she needs it more. She says that massage therapy might help her because she has joint pain.
Steve replied in a low voice, “Mike will never come before you, Mom; you are my family.” He told me that it wasn’t his job to pay for Mike’s activities outside of school, but he also said that I don’t make much money and Mike doesn’t have another father figure. He thinks it’s his duty to help him because of this.
Even though Steve was trying to protect our family, what he said hurt me a lot. His help for my son didn’t seem to be because he wants to, but because he feels he has to.
I want to know what to do about this.
Thank you, Julia”
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